Soya Mince Standard F11

Soya mince is a vegetable protein made from processed soya beans and resembles minced or ground beef. Soya mince is a meat replacement in vegan and vegetarian diets. Using soy mince as a meat replacement reduces fat and calorie intake. Soya mince contains a lean, easily digestible protein. Soya mince is a versatile food used in any recipe that calls for ground beef or other ground meat, making the dish suitable for vegetarians or vegans.

Our soya mince meets the requirements, specifications and standards laid down by the Agricultural Products Standards Act, Trade Metrology Act, Foodstuffs, Disinfectant and Cosmetics Act of South Africa. Our world-class manufacturing facility employs GMP (good manufacturing practices) to ensure we meet all legal and regulatory requirements.

Effective Date: September 2020 Document NR:SPEC-HAC-IR-10.0.3 Revision Nr : 0.0
Compiled by : Quality Manager Process Owner : CEO Irwing615 cc Approved
Parameter 100g Serving Specification Micro Parameters
Typical Analysis Protein (Crude N*6.25) 43-47% Melamine ND
Fibre 2.7gr Salmonella Negative
Sodium 1mg E.Coli Negative
Fat (Crude) 3.5-6gr Yeast Count <100 CFu/g
Particle Size (Chunks) 12-16mm Aflatoxins <1 qg/kg
Particle Size (Coarse) 6-12mm Mould Count <1000 CFu/g
Particle Size (Standard) 3-6mm(EHR21)/2-4mm(EHR10) Coliforms count < 100 Cfu/g
Particle Size (Fine) <3mm (fines) Listeria Monocytogenes Negative
Applications Used as a meat replacement in Vegan and vegaterian diets. Soy mince can be used in any recipe calling for ground beef, or any other type of ground meat. By using soy mince as meat replacement fat and calories are reduced.Soy mince contain a lean easily digestable proteine. A versatile food, soya mince can be used in any recipe that calls for ground beef or any other type of ground meat, making the dish suitable for Vegeterians or vegans and reducing the fat and calories of traditional dishes.
Inclusion Rates Meat Replacer wholly or partially
Advantages * Lower Fat Diet
* Lower Calorie Diet
* Easily digestible Protein
* Vegan and Vegeterian friendly
* Provides extendibility to any dish
Product Description Soya, a vegetable protein made from processed soya beans and is made to resemble mince or ground beef. Two colour variants are available: Caramel and Uncoloured.
Legal Status Our soya mince meets the requirements, specifications and standards laid down by the Agricultural Products Standards Act, Trade Metrology Act, Foodstuffs, Disinfectant and Cosmetics Act of South Africa. Our world-class manufacturing facility employs GMP (good manufacturing practices) to ensure we meet all legal and regulatory requirements.
Composition Our Soya Mince is a all natural product, produced from cleaned, de-hulled soya. It is rich in proteine with almost no fat. The product contains natural emulsifying and stabilizing properties, and has higher energy values compared to other protein sources.The amino-acids are highly digestable compared to other protein sources of plant origin.
Labelling and Packaging * Our Soya beans are sourced locally, no imported beans are used in our products
* Our Soya mince is packaged in a lined woven pollypropelene bags (stiched), with label indicating date of manufacture, expiry date, batch number, and weight
* GMO Status – Contains GMO organisms
Storage and Shelf Life * Storage Conditions – On a lined pallet, away from walls and off the floor in a cool dry well ventilated place.
* Storage temperature – Product stored at anbient temperatures. Away from direct sunlight.
* Shelf life +- 12 months when stored as suggested.
Intended use and possible miss use * Manufacturers can use the product as per recommendation and application
* Product may be sensitive to individuals with soya allergies or intollerances.
* Miss use. If product is not used according to recommendations/specifications, and not following storage instructions
Food Fraud Adulteration – Dilution, substitution, concealment and/or unappropriated enhancement.
- Dilution
- Counterfeiting
- Concealment
- Smuggling
- Grey market (theft)
- Mislabelling
Religious Status Kosher and Halaal certified product
Certification In process of obtaining FSSC 22000 and ISO 9001 accreditation
Safety No Specific safety warnings when working with this product.
Warranty Our soya mince is fit for human consumption and is produced under strict regulatory requirements and supervision.